Wednesday, March 20, 2013

tummy love

i actually did my hair today, which inspired me to take some ridiculously awesome tummy shots. haha

24 weeks

this is the part where you leave a comment telling me how cute I look, all pregnant and stuff. wink wink

bring on the tummy love!


  1. You truly look Beautiful! I hope one day I will look half that good pregnant. Congratulations.

  2. You truly look Beautiful! I hope one day I will look half that good pregnant. Congratulations.

  3. ha, Lori, I just cracked up. Love you! (and yes, you do look b-e-a-u-tiful of course.) PS, feel excited, your cute stomach is smaller than mine, and I'm a whole WEEK (hope you read the drama there) behind you, 23 1/2 weeks today. :) LOVE YOU!

  4. You look so dang cute! And, I love your hair, your fun personality, and your perfect baby belly.
