Tuesday, November 19, 2013


You know those days when no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to go right?  those days when you're too tired to even really try.  those days when you're children are in tears and you're in tears and all you need is ten minutes to yourself so you can gather the strength to make it for a bit.  those days when you want to scream at your husband for no reason (or even a good reason - it doesn't really matter).  those days when showering isn't even on your radar and the house is a disaster and the thought of doing anything is just depressing.  when all you want is to crawl in bed, pull up the covers, eat your weight's worth of ice cream, and have everyone leave you alone.   

the only thing worse than a day like that is four days in a row.  yep. 

here's the thing.  I love my children and my husband and almost every day I crawl into bed and think how wonderful my life is.  because it really is.  but I didn't think that yesterday.  or the day before that.  or the day before that. 

here's to a better tomorrow  :)

Monday, November 11, 2013


In October, I completed an Ironman over the course of the month.  I wanted a goal that would push me harder than I normally push myself.  It seemed like the perfect goal and I LOVED it!  I had so much fun and feel so great. 

Of course, it wasn't all fun and games.  There were days I was so exhausted that I had zero desire to exercise.  There were days when my baby woke up every time I got going.  There were headache days.  There were days when Jeffree and I wouldn't get to spend time together until 9:00 p.m. because he'd get home from work, then I'd exercise, then he'd exercise, then he'd have class or I'd have young women, etc.  But there were awesome days.  Days when I was in awe that I accomplished as much as I did.  Days when my body felt strong and I felt amazing. 

Jeffree was so wonderful to support me.  I know it was a pretty big sacrifice, especially when he is working on his Masters degree on top of his full time job.  And even though it was hard to be apart so much, it made our time together sweeter.  He even made me a medal and a poster while I was out on my final run.

It feels amazing to have accomplished such a big goal.  I am so grateful for a healthy body that can do amazing things.